Freemium vs Enterprise

YottaDots is free for use. You can make as many boards as you want, share it with as many people as you want. So really unlimited, only when you want others also to creat boards and work more as a company, I believe that a small payment to cover the costs is okay. € 15 euro per month or € 150 euro per year is not much. then really everybody within your company can create boards, invite people etc.

Freemium means that one account can create unlimited boards, Enterprise means that multiple people within your company can do this. In both cases it’s unlimited in boards, users, teams etc.

In the near future the plan is to also give the Enterprise user more freedom like using their own logo or URL. A more white label approach.

YottaDots the story

I used Funretro a lot in my professional work as Scrum Master. I like the way it works, but the freemium model is to limited for me. As I like to program my self I saw it as an oppertunity to rebuild this tool, extend it, but also make it in such a way that it gives me the oppertunity to make specific templates without adjusting to much code. Also it gives me the possibility to support remote team collaboration much better.

Use it as often as you want, share it with anybody and create boards as many as you can handle

This was for me the start of a journey. Learning about websockets, web- and database scaling and much more. All done during the evenings I was working remote from my family or late at night when everybody slept. porgres was slow, but the pleasure of building great.

It’s a never ending story I believe and I really hope that working with YottaDots will help you as much as it helps me and gives a joyfull smile on your face.